
Anything for Selena original music now available on SoundCloud

screenshot of SoundCloud playlist
Paul Vaitkus is the artist behind the podcast's gripping sound.

Selena y Los Dinos isn't the only band responsible for the soundtrack of Anything for Selena.

Sound designer and engineer Paul Vaitkus is the artist behind Anything for Selena's gripping sound. Paul created more than 30 untitled original compositions for the podcast and is sharing them now for the first time on SoundCloud.

Take a listen and see which sometimes haunting, sometimes uplifting songs you recognize from your favorite episodes. Better yet, bookmark this page and make Anything for Selena original music your new and improved lo-fi study beats! (You know the one.)

Anything for Selena · Paul Vaitkus Original Compositions | Anything for Selena


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