
Anything For Selena | Episode 6: Spanglish

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Illustration: Iliana Galvez
Illustration: Iliana Galvez

Selena Quintanilla may have built her career singing Spanish songs, but she didn’t grow up speaking Spanish at home. She learned Spanish in the public eye, and her mistakes became some of her most famous and endearing moments.

In this episode, Maria explores why Selena’s Spanglish seemed so revolutionary for its time, and yet so familiar to many fans who also struggled with the language of their heritage. The exploration takes us to an unexpected place.


Anything for Selena is a co-production of the iLab at WBUR and Futuro Studios.

Find out more about Anything for Selena here, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram.

Headshot of Maria Garcia

Maria Garcia Managing Editor
Maria Garcia was WBUR's Managing Editor and the creator of "Anything for Selena."


Headshot of Kristin Torres

Kristin Torres Associate Producer
Kristin Torres is an associate producer in WBUR’s podcast unit.



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