First Listen: Food, We Need To Talk
ResumeTypical New Year's resolutions often sound like this: "I"m going to lose weight," or "I'm really going to exercise." They don't usually sound like this: "I resolve to get to a happier, healthier place with food."
But maybe they should. And happier, healthier eating is the promise of a new podcast from WBUR, Food, We Need To Talk.
Listen to the trailer for a preview of that journey toward eating better and, most importantly, feeling better about it.
Your lovable traveling companions: 24-year-old Juna Gjata, who's sick of her eternal fight to get thin, and Dr. Eddie Phillips, a leading lifestyle medicine physician who seeks to help her make peace with food (while still eating a healthy diet).
Dr. Phillips hosted WBUR's award-winning podcast on learning to like exercise, The Magic Pill. Listeners who found that their attitude toward exercise changed forever — from seeing it as a chore to relishing it as a gift and a joy — asked him to do something similar for food.
And now he has, joining Juna to explore topics ranging from the simplest nutrition principles to the complexities of what happens in your brain when you eat junk food.
Our season officially begins Dec. 23, and episodes will come out every Monday for the next 10 weeks. Imagine: a New Year's resolution you can fulfill just by listening to a podcast!
Follow "Food, We Need To Talk" on Instagram here.